Sunday, July 5, 2009

The countdown begins

Three days to go - we leave July 8, Wednesday evening, on our Homeward Bound journey.

Gotta say this - a lot of people have put in tons of work, particularly Paradox vets and staff who've seemingly been spaying and neutering in their sleep. Plus, gathering vaccination records, completing health certificates and loading Petfinder with info on all the dogs has been a logistical challenge and a pain-in-the rump. But you can't get around the benefit of 125 dogs finding new homes. So we'd gladly do it again.

There's still plenty to do. We're doing a mock-load on Monday, working out how the crates would best fit in the trailers. Gotta iron on the kinks out before adding excitable dogs into the mix. Still more paperwork left to do, a few more surgeries remaining, and plenty of dogs to wash and spruce up.

Whew. I'm tired and it's only Sunday!

'til later,


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