Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!

Hope yours is going well so far. As for me, today I polished off some leftover sirloin and took a long nap in the sun. Seems 2008 is looking pretty good.

Thought you'd like to see a few furry faces that found new homes during the holidays thanks to WAG newspaper ads.

This was Mitzi. She was about 4 months old and spent most of her time belly-up. Can you imagine that fur after about 3 months belly-up in the Georgia red clay? Yikes!

This was Rocky - one of those over-enthusiastic Labradors. Good guy, but a little pushy. See that poor guy behind him in the corner? Rocky hogged all the attention and wouldn't even let him come to the front of the cage to be petted. I've got one of those obnoxious types living at my house. A little too much ego, if you ask me.

This was Pansy - a feline. Fairly decent looking for a cat, if you like that sort of thing.

Seems getting newspaper exposure helps finding homes for plenty of pets. Let's hope our success rate continues all year long.

'Til later, Buddy

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